Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company



"Replaced my head gasket here and 4 years later still holding strong not to mention they had one of the best prices. Also had my brakes done here. they told me the price before they did the work. When I came in to pick my car up. they had the final price a bit more expensive but when asked they changed to the original price because the owner truly is a man of his own word."
Daniel Lamb

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24 Month / 24.000 Mile WARRANTY

Are you looking for a reliable and trustworthy company for all of your automobile service needs? When your car is in need of repair, it can be a hassle to find the right place to take care of it; some local auto repair businesses cannot fix every issue your car has, while others are just out to make money and will charge you far beyond a fair price. All Auto Services deeply cares about the Grand Rapids community. We strive to provide the best experience to every customer who walks through our door! Schedule an online appointment or call one of our locations today.

Welcome to All Auto Services

All Auto Services is here to serve the Grand Rapids community for all of their auto repair needs. Our company is built on integrity and trust, and that is exactly what we want to embody to our customers. Our top priorities here at All Auto Services are customer care and high quality service; our customers satisfaction is a sign of a job well done.

Some Of OurServices

No matter how big or small the size of your automobile needs are, our staff here at All Auto Services dedicates themselves to getting the job done in an efficient manner, without breaking the bank. Our many years of experience and knowledge paired with the advances in automobile technology make it easier for us to provide you with exceptional service at an affordable price.

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