Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Auto Charging and Starting System in Grand Rapids, MI

Auto Charging and Starting System - All Auto Services

All Auto Services in Grand Rapids provide comprehensive automotive charging and starting system service and repairs. Your vehicle relies on the battery to start the engine, and then relies on the alternator and the charging system to keep the engine running and to recharge the battery.

So the main components of the charging system include the battery, the alternator, which produces electricity when the engine is running, and the starter, which draws power from the battery to start the engine.

When you start the car, the system draws a lot of energy from the battery, but once the engine is running, it’s the alternator that provides electrical power to various subsystems and to recharge the battery.

Numerous sub-systems in your vehicle require electricity to function: airbag system, fuel injectors, fuel pump, ignition coils and spark plug, steering system, not to mention the entertainment system, GPS, and various sensors placed throughout the vehicle, including ADAS sensors and warning systems. These systems place major demands on the electrical charging system.

So if you notice any symptoms listed below, there is a good chance that your car’s charging system needs professional help:

  • Failure to start or difficulties starting the engine
  • Battery warning light coming on
  • Check engine light illuminating
  • Dimming of interior lights

At All Auto Services in Grand Rapids we recommend regular service for your vehicle – it not only keeps manufacturer warranty in force, but also, during the service, our technicians will perform free digital vehicle inspection which is likely to discover any impending charging system problems.

If you have noticed your vehicle exhibiting any symptoms of starting/charging system issues, bring it to our family owned Grand Rapids auto repairs – you will be greeted by our friendly staff, and you can expect:

  • 24 months / 24,000 mile warranty
  • Original Equipment quality parts
  • Clean, children friendly office
  • In most cases, same day service
  • Nationally ASE certified technicians working on your vehicle

All Auto Services in Grand Rapids is a full service auto repair facility, so we can provide your vehicle with a wide range of automotive maintenance services and repairs. Just in the area of automotive starting and charging system we offer extensive list of services, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Car battery replacement
  • Car battery load test
  • Alternator testing and troubleshooting
  • Alternator replacement
  • Ignition switch
  • Starter testing
  • Starter relay
  • Starter replacement

When your vehicle exhibits charging or starting system problems, or if it suffers from any electrical system issues, let the professionals at All Auto Services diagnose and repair them. Our technicians are certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and combine extensive experience with state-of-the-art digital diagnostic tools to get to the root cause of any electrical problem.

We offer convenient online appointments on our website, or just call the shop to make an appointment that fits your busy schedule.