Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Auto on a lift - pre purchase inspection

Pre Purchase Vehicle Inspection in Grand Rapids, MI

Buying a used vehicle can be financially rewarding – if you buy the right vehicle.  To select a vehicle that will provide you with reliable transportation, not surprise you with expensive repairs, it’s important to get professionals on your side – to help our clients to buy the right car, All Auto Services offers pre purchase vehicle inspections in Grand Rapids.  

Having a used vehicle inspected before purchase is the essence of “buying it right”. Our nationally ASE certified mechanics can perform a professional inspection of the vehicle you are buying. Modern cars have grown so complex, with dozens of sensors and embedded computers, that it takes a highly trained professional, with professional diagnostic equipment, to determine the overall condition of a vehicle.  We will provide you with an electronic copy of the inspection results, including pictures of any areas that may require repairs. Armed with such report, you can make an informed decision – to buy, to request or to look for a vehicle with fewer problems. 

When you bring the vehicle to our Grand Rapids auto repair shop, it will undergo a thorough pre-purchase inspection, including:

  • We check the on-board computer for stored trouble codes
  • We inspect belts and hoses for cracks, wear, and damage
  • Our mechanics will check the radiator and the cooling system
  • We also check fluid level and quality of the fluids 
  • Our technicians will inspect the vehicle for leaks – transmission leaks, power steering fluid leaks, coolant leaks, or oil leaks
  • We perform a suspension check (including shocks and struts)
  • In addition to checking tire pressure, we will also check tires for uneven tire wear, and age related damage
  • Hybrid vehicles only – our technicians will inspect the high voltage battery
  • Brake inspection – we check quality of the brake fluid, measure thickness of the brake pads, inspect rotors and calipers  
  • We will also research vehicle’s repair history in a national database that holds repair history of millions of vehicles
  • We also take the vehicle on a test drive, to observe its behavior under real world conditions

Our Grand Rapids auto repair garage is a full service facility that is staffed by highly skilled technicians who can perform pre purchase inspections on a wide range of vehicles – from a nimble Mini Cooper, to a workhorse Chevy Silverado 2500HD.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to obtain a pre-purchase inspection. We have seen used vehicles that seemed to be in perfectly good shape, only to have an inspection determine that thousands of dollars of repairs and deferred maintenance were awaiting. While any professional auto repair shop can perform pre-purchase inspection, at All Auto Services we offer combination of technical excellence and superior customer service.

Give us a call, and our friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the process, and can schedule an appointment at the same time. You can also make an appointment online, on our website, if you find it more convenient.