Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Car Battery Testing and Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI

Car Battery Testing and Replacement - All Auto Services

All Auto Services is the leading Grand Rapids auto repair shop providing comprehensive auto maintenance and repair for domestic, Asian and European vehicles. Automotive battery testing and replacement is only one of hundreds of services and repairs we offer.

If your vehicle has problems starting, or the entertainment center is not performing as expected (particularly in winter – car batteries don’t like cold weather), there is likely a problem with your car’s battery. As modern vehicles are loaded with electronics, embedded computers, and sensors, including whole slew of ADAS sensors and warning systems, the demand on the electrical system and your car’s battery is substantial. At our Grand Rapids auto repair shop we can test the battery in your vehicle and let you know if it still holds sufficient charge, or if it needs to be replaced.

If it should turn out that battery replacement is indicated, we can provide your vehicle with a battery that exactly matches electrical needs of your car. Battery replacement is a relatively inexpensive repair - compared to other electrical system repairs that often require painstaking and time consuming testing to discover the root cause of the problem. Most of the time, we can have your vehicle repaired and ready to go the same day.

So if your car exhibits any signs of electrical system issues – dim interior lights or hesitation when starting - bring your vehicle to our Grand Rapids auto repair shop. Our nationally ASE certified technicians will use their state-of-the-art digital diagnostic tools to get to the root cause of the problem. If the battery turns out to be at fault – we can have it replaced, usually same day. If we discover that the battery is fine, we will let you know what we found – be it a parasitic drain, or a failing alternator – and will let you know what it will take to get your car repaired.

At All Auto Services in Grand Rapids we offer clean, child-friendly office, service with a smile, as well as technical excellence and:

  • 24 months / 24,000 miles warranty
  • ASE nationally certified technicians working on your car
  • Original Equipment or better quality parts
  • Local complimentary shuttle/Uber rides
  • With every service or repair - Free Digital Vehicle Inspection

So call our Grand Rapids family owned auto repair shop if you suspect electrical or battery problems. Our technicians will inspect, test, and get to the root of the problem, and we can tell you what’s required to fix it. You will also get an electronic copy of the results of our free digital vehicle inspection. To make an appointment, you can use the appointments page on our website, or simply call us at the shop and we will make an appointment for you – for a time that fits your schedule.