Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Control Arm Bushing Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI

Control Arm Bushing Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI - All Auto Services

All Auto Services is the premier Grand Rapids auto repair shop, including suspension and steering systems repair. Control arm bushings replacement is among the hundreds of services we offer. Control arm bushings connect vehicle’s control arms to the frame. Without the bushings, control arms would be metal-to-metal on the frame, resulting not just in loud noises, but also rapid wear of the control arms. Bushings prevent metal-to-metal contact, distribute impact forces, and also absorb vibrations. But over time control arm bushings will wear out and will need to be replaced. 
There are a few signs that indicate the need for control arm bushings replacement. If the suspension is squeaking when going over the bumps, chances are control arm bushings are worn out. If they are severely worn out, knocking sound may be heard – that’s metal to metal contact. Naturally, whenever your vehicle starts to make unusual noises, we recommend a visit to a friendly local mechanic – All Auto Services in Grand Rapids. Cars are designed and manufactured for a quiet ride, so new or unusual noises indicate that something is wrong and your vehicle requires professional attention.
When you visit our Grand Rapids location, you will find not only a clean, child-friendly and modern facility, but will also be greeted by our friendly service advisors, and can expect: 

  • Local shuttle/Uber for your convenience
  • Clean, child-friendly office
  • 24 months / 24,000 miles warranty
  • Free digital vehicle inspection with service or repairs

So next time your vehicle exhibits strange new noises, call All Auto Services to make an appointment. Our technicians, certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), will inspect your vehicle and identify and fix the root cause of the problem. We offer convenient online appointments on our website or simply call us at the shop.