Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Brake Fluid Change in Grand Rapids, MI

Brake Fluid Change - All Auto Services

All Auto Services in Grand Rapids offers complete brake system service and repairs, including brake fluid flush. Most car owners know that from time to time, brake fluid will need to be changed. It’s because brake fluid attracts moisture from the air. If the moisture content increases beyond a certain point, the water in the brake fluid will boil off during braking (water has a much lower boiling point than the brake fluid) resulting in increased braking distance – not something we want to experiment with.

Brake fluid flush aka brake fluid exchange involves removing old brake fluid, refilling the brake system with new fluid and checking that there are no air pockets in the brake lines. Naturally we select replacement brake fluid that matches the characteristics specified by the manufacturer of your vehicle.

How often should your vehicles have the brake fluid change?

Many manufacturers recommend brake fluid exchange every 20,000 miles or 2 years. At All Auto Services we prefer to test the brake fluid when the 2 year mark is approaching, so we know exactly the water content of the fluid, and we can let you know with certainty if the brake fluid needs to be replaced.

Naturally, we can also inspect the entire braking system – brake pads/shoes, brake lines, hoses, rotors, brake calipers, backing plates, brake master cylinder – it’s a good idea to have a brake system inspection scheduled before the onset of winter weather, and before road conditions deteriorate.

So if you are not quite sure when you vehicle had brake fluid change, or if you know that it is time for brake fluid flash, call us at All Auto Services in Grand Rapids. Our friendly service writers will welcome you, and besides superior customer service you can also anticipate:

  • Free local shuttle/Uber
  • In most cases, same day service completion
  • Original Equipment or better quality parts
  • For your peace of mind, 24 month / 24,000 mile warranty

All Auto Services is the premier auto repair shop in Grand Rapids – from oil change, to check engine light diagnostics, to transmission problems and engine repairs, and of course brake fluid exchange – our nationally ASE certified technician will take great care of your vehicle. So make an appointment today – you can do so on our website, or call the shop directly.