Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Control Arm Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI

Control Arm Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI - All Auto Services

Welcome to All Auto Services, the premier Grand Rapids auto repair facility. We offer hundreds of auto services and repairs, including control arm replacement.

When you bring your vehicle to our family owned, independent auto repair shop, you will find friendly customers service combined with technical excellence. If our nationally ASE certified technicians determine that control arm replacement is indicated, we will provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost and time involved. 

Control arms help the car to remain in full contact with the ground ( and to maintain control). Thus control arm failure can result in vehicle control issues, and in severe cases, loss of control over the vehicle (fortunately, these are rare). 

Signals that can alert you to control arm problems are popping noises when you drive over bumps, car veering to left or right when driving over bumps, or uneven tire wear. If you notice these symptoms, bring your vehicle to our Grand Rapids auto care facility, and our professional mechanics will inspect your vehicle and perform tests necessary to determine if the control arm needs replacement, or if the symptoms are due to some other problem. 

If it turns out that a control arm is the issue, we will provide you with pricing for the replacement, and once you approve the repair, we will proceed with control arm replacement. Any time your vehicle undergoes service or repairs at our Grand Rapids auto repair garage, you can expect: 

  • 24 months / 24,000 miles warranty
  • Local shuttle/Uber for your convenience
  • Clean, child-friendly office
  • Convenient online appointments
  • Original Equipment or better quality parts
  • Free digital vehicle inspection with service or repairs

All Auto Services in Grand Rapids offers full range of suspension service and repairs, including not just control arm replacement, but also shocks and struts, ball joint replacement, cv joint replacement and tie rods replacement.  

So if you notice any suspension issues, or if you notice that your vehicle does not handle as well as it used to, or that there are issues with vehicle control, do not hesitate to contact All Auto Services – our friendly service advisors will be happy to answer your questions and to suggest the course of action that will get your vehicle healthy and back on the road. 

We also offer convenient online appointments on our website, should you need to make an appointment outside of the normal operating hours. We are looking forward to meeting you and servicing your vehicle.