Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company


In 1998 Jeff and Bob purchased 1234 Ball Avenue NW from a local college who devoted their time to teaching mechanics. The school was moving locations and Jeff and Bob knew it was the perfect place to move their current mechanic shop into. All Auto Care started with only one mechanic on hand. They grew the business, but more importantly had a love for the community that the business is rooted in.

In 2019 Terry Boetsma purchased the building and business from Jeff and Bob and that is when All Auto Services came to be. Terry has been involved in the auto mechanic industry his entire life. He purchased Westside Service of Zeeland from his father in 2001. In 2014 he became the proud owner of Westside Service of Holland. Throughout the years one thing has remained constant in his workplace: hard work and top notch customer service.