Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Transmission Fluid Testing and Exchange in Grand Rapids, MI

Transmission Fluid Testing and Exchange in Grand Rapids, MI - All Auto Services

All Auto Services in Grand Rapids offers a wide range of fluid change services, including transmission fluid exchange aka transmission fluid flush or simply transmission flush. Transmission fluid exchange can extend transmission lifespan, and in the process, it can save you thousands of dollars in repair costs. 

Transmission fluid needs to be replaced because over time its chemical and mechanical properties deteriorate. Transmission fluid deteriorates due to the passage of time, as well as high temperatures under which it operates. In addition, over time it picks up moisture, metal shavings, dirt, and bits and pieces of non-metallic material – they are natural byproducts of various moving parts working together. Dirty transmission fluid can hasten transmission wear and result in very expensive repairs. 

How can I tell if my vehicle needs transmission fluid exchange?

Car manufacturers specify their own time intervals for transmission fluid flush. Your driving habits and type of driving you do (stop-and-go traffic tends to put greater wear on the transmission) will also have impact on how often you should have the transmission fluid exchanged.   A good rule of thumb is to change transmission fluid every 50,000 miles for vehicles with manual transmissions, and between 30,000 and 40,000 miles for vehicles with automatic transmissions. Our technicians can test transmission fluid quality and based on the test results will let you know if transmission fluid flush is indicated. 

Permanently sealed” Transmission Fluid Flush

Many newer vehicles have “permanently sealed” transmissions. Manufacturers claim that transmission fluid in those vehicles is good for the “life of the transmission” – indeed it is. What they forget to mention is that we can extend transmission life by performing transmission fluid exchange. Professional mechanics can perform fluid exchange on “permanently sealed” transmissions, and the fluid exchange brings similar benefits to those transmissions as it does to regular transmissions. 

When we perform transmission fluid flush at our Grand Rapids auto repair shop, we restore proper mechanical and chemical fluid properties. Our technicians, nationally certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) can perform transmission fluid change in one day – you drop off your vehicle in the morning, and pick it up at the end of the day. 

At All Auto Services we are passionate about auto repair, and we offer free digital vehicle inspections with any service or repair. When you bring your vehicle to us, you can also expect:

  • Free local shuttle/Uber
  • 24 months / 24,000 miles warranty
  • ASE certified technicians working on your vehicle
  • OEM or higher quality parts
  • State-of-the-art digital diagnostic equipment

So when your vehicle is due for transmission fluid flush, or if you are not sure, make an appointment at All Auto Services. Our technicians will test transmission fluid and will let you know the best course of action.  We offer convenient online appointments, or call the shop and one of our service advisors will be happy to make an appointment for you.