Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Vehicle Electrical System Repairs in Grand Rapids, MI

In order for the electrical system of your vehicle to perform at its peak, all of its three major components must function properly. These are the battery, starter, and alternator. The battery supplies power to the starter which turns the crankshaft and (as its name suggests) starts up your engine. After it has started, the alternator makes sure that your battery is always charged and ready to constantly supply the necessary electrical current. All other components of the electrical system of your car depend on the smooth operation of these three.

Here at All Auto Services in Grand Rapids, MI, we have a team of experienced and ASE certified automotive technicians who truly specialize in vehicle electrical repairs. Our knowledge and expertise in combination with state-of-the-art tools, equipment, and software, allow us to professionally repair any auto electrical issue that we may encounter regardless of what make or model vehicle you drive.

Here are several symptoms that might indicate that you may be having car electrical system troubles:

  • Your car won’t start or has difficulties starting
  • You have battery problems
  • Your lights are dim or flickering
  • You keep blowing fuses
  • You smell burning plastic or rubber

Our capable mechanics can take care of all these problems, and more. We are equipped to perform full diagnostics of your car’s electrical system and will ensure that your vehicle is restored in a timely manner. While your car, SUV, or truck is being repaired, enjoy free Wi-Fi, coffee, and water in our waiting room. For your convenience, we also supply a free local shuttle and Uber rides. Impeccable customer care is among our top priorities!

If you are looking for high-quality vehicle electrical system repairs in Grand Rapids, MI, or the surrounding communities, look no further than All Auto Services. You can find our auto repair shop at 1234 Ball Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 or call us with any questions. You can also schedule a visit with us by using our online appointment form.