Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Monthly Archives: October 2022

What to Keep in Your Trunk in the Fall

What to Keep in Your Trunk in the Fall The fall season is here. At All Auto Services in Grand Rapids we recommend that you prepare your vehicle for the fall weather.  Here are some of the tools we recommend you keep in your car at all times: Spare tire/jack/wrench – A flat tire will usually happen when you least expect it. Thus, the reason to be prepared for changing a tire. You will want to check again and be certain that you have everything needed to change a tire. Extra gloves and coats – You never know for sure what the weather holds, and for that reason, it is wise to keep extra gloves and coats in your trunk. First aid kit – This is something that should be kept in the trunk all the time. Emergency flares – These are good to have in case you are stranded in the middle of nowhere, and especially if the vehicle cannot be moved to the side of the road.  ... read more

Subaru Suspension Repair in Grand Rapids, MI

Subaru Suspension Repair in Grand Rapids, MI Your Subaru's suspension system plays a critical role in the overall condition of your vehicle. It is responsible for providing driving comfort when you encounter bumps on the road and ensures traction by keeping the wheels on the ground as much as possible. We often take our car’s suspension system for granted, but after years of hard work, the shocks will wear out, and suspension repair will be necessary. Signs that your Subaru needs suspension repair It’s vital to get ensure that your Subaru is working optimally as a bad suspension can affect your ability to control the vehicle. Thus, it’s in your best interest to know when something is wrong so you can bring your Subaru for repairs. Here are some signs to look out for: Pulls to one side If you're driving your Subaru and it feels like the vehicle is drifting or pulling to one side, you’re likely dealing with a faulty suspension system ... read more