Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

GM Accepting More Chevy Malibu Orders

GM Accepting More Chevy Malibu Orders

If you are a fan of Chevy Malibu, it is likely to be available soon at the showroom near you. After production was idled during 2021, Chevy Malibu was in short supply. Even though the microchip shortage is still with us, GM is delivering new Malibu vehicles.  You can choose 1.5L 160 horsepower engine or 2.0 liter, 250 horsepower engine.

At All Auto Services we are big fans of Chevy vehicles, including Chevy Malibu. We invite you to bring your Malibu to our auto repair facility, whether for minor service or major repairs.

Regularly servicing your Chevrolet Malibu at our Grand Rapids auto repair shop satisfies GM service requirements to keep the original warranty in force.

We offer comprehensive Chevrolet maintenance and repairs, from oil change to brake service, to check engine light repairs, as well as transmission problems and engine repair. Whether you drive a Malibu, a Trailblazer, an Equinox or a Chevy Silverado, our nationally ASE certified technicians will take great care of your vehicle.  Click Chevy to learn more about services and repairs we offer, or simply call us at the shop.