Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 301-7850

A Westside Auto Group Company

Timing Belt Replacement in Grand Rapids MI

All Auto Services is your one-stop auto maintenance and repair facility in Grand Rapids. Among the hundreds of services and repairs we provide, timing belt replacement has a special place. Even though most modern vehicles use timing chains, there are still millions of vehicles in use that utilize a timing belt.

Timing belt replacement is usually recommended every 90,000 to 105,000 miles, depending on your make and model. Some manufacturers recommend timing belt replacement every 60,000 miles – check your Owner’s Manual or Handbook for the recommended interval for your make and model.

Timing belt replacement is a big job that involves removing front portion of the engine. We recommend water pump replacement at the same time, since most of the labor cost is already factored into the timing chain replacement – so most of the additional cost is the cost of the water pump itself. Along with the timing belt we will replace tensioners, as well as camshaft and crankshaft seals, depending on their condition. Once the engine is put back together, we will make sure that everything runs as it should, and that the engine timing is set correctly.

Our technicians, nationally ASE certified, are highly experienced at timing belt replacement. Their work is covered by our 24 months / 24,000 miles warranty.

So if your vehicle is nearing the time for timing belt replacement, make an appointment on our website, or give us a call. Our friendly service advisors will be happy to answer your timing belt questions, and will be can confirm an appointment at the same time.